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The Magic Fat Loss Pill!
In this day and age everything is revolved around fat loss, getting in shape. People are obsessed! You try this diet, that diet, low carb...

When Is The Best Time & What Is Best To Eat Before And After I Train?
At one of the recent classes I was asked about meal timings and what is the best thing to have before and after training. The class was...

Fitness Magazines and Their Misleading Results
First of all, these magazines will churn out as many misinformed ideas and information without accurate research as possible. They also...

The Thought Process Behind Dieting.
Diets seem to be the only way that people accept they can lose weight, in the short term this is easy. The reality is that we normally...

Why The Term "Weight loss'' Is Bad For Your Self Esteem.
"Weight loss'' - reasons for why it is a bad term to use for people looking to get in shape. If you were to weigh yourself first thing in...

Weight Machines Vs Free Weights
What is the difference between weight machines and free weights? Free weights allow for three-dimensional movement, which helps build...

Does Weightlifting Make Women Big & Bulky?
Does weightlifting make women big and bulky? NO IT DOES NOT! Weightlifting will actually help to: 1.Burn more calories and lose body fat ...

How Do I Set My Own Goals?
Set goals and track progress to lose weight?! 1. Determine a time frame which is achievable to your goal 2. Set weekly and monthly mini...

How Long Should You Train With A Personal Trainer?
How long should you train with a personal trainer? Most people tend to work with a trainer for 3-6 months, sometimes longer dependant on...

I Want To Lose Weight But I Don't Know Where To Start...
I want to lose weight but don't know where to start... This is a question I often get asked. Here is what I would say. 1. Attend group...
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