The Scales Say I’m Heavier But I Look Slimmer...
If you look slimmer then why do the scales matter? If you’re looking slimmer and the training you’re doing is helping you to reach your goal then don’t worry about what the scales say!
If you were to weigh yourself first thing in the morning and again at midday you would be shocked at your weight change. For example, a 100 kg males body weight can fluctuate between 2.5-3 kg per day!! A litre of water weighs exactly 1 kg, so simply by being hydrated you can be led to believe that you are not making progress.
Weight is not the problem for 99% of people, unless you are trying to lose weight for an MMA fight or you're a jockey, then it is useless for you! Weight is affected by hydration, how many grams of carbs you have taken in and how much you have eaten. We all want to look better, feel better, have better self-esteem and be more confident and comfortable with the way we look – when did weight become important?

Contact James Baker on 07809524061 to start your fitness journey today.